- Home bittering units.The approximate alpha acids in the
beer.This is done by multiplying the alpha acid by the amiount of hops
in the boil for more than 15 min.
- Head
- The foam at the top of a beer. The head is the protein
which is pushed out of suspension by the bubbles.
- Heat Exchanger
- A piece of brewing equipment used for heating or cooling
the wort or beer rapidly.
- Hefeweizen
- An unfiltered wheat beer.
- Helles
- German word for 'light' (as in color).
- Herbaceous
- Impression of hop particularly noticeable in a fresh
- High Alpha Hops
- Hops bred to be high in alpha acid or humulone, the
soft resin that is the main contributor in bittering beer.
- Homebrew
- The art of brewing beer at home.
- Hop Oil
- A mixture of volatile aromatic compounds found in the
lupulin glands of the hops; imparts hop flavor and aroma to beer.
- Hops
- The flower of a perennial vine, and one of the four
ingredients of beer. Hops are the universal spice of beer. Hops, like
grapes used in wine, are varietal. Some varieties contribute mainly
bitterness, while others are prized for their fine aromas.
- Hop back
- The vessel used to strain hops from the wort.Also used
to hold aroma hops and strain the finnished wort through them.
Hot Break
- The flocculation of protein and tannin molecules during
- Hot Side Aeration
- Aerating wort on the hot side of the brewing process;
leads to oxidation of the finished beer.
- Humulone
- The soft resin that is largely responsble for the bittering
of beer.
- Hydrometer
- A very simple device to measure the specific gravity of liquids.